Free local delivery to Portishead (BS20) & Clevedon (BS21) postcodes.
Free local delivery to Portishead (BS20) & Clevedon (BS21) postcodes.
*Please do not return any items or orders, unless you have contacted us first and it has been agreed upfront*
If there is a problem with your order please contact us either by using the contact page on our website or by email on, and we will try to resolve it as soon as we can.
If you have purchased an item that has been personalised or customised, we are not able to offer a refund or exchange.
If you would like to return a standard non-personalised item that you have ordered, please notify us within 7 days of delivery and ensure it is posted back to us within 14 days of the original delivery. However, do not return any items/orders unless you have contact us first and it has been agreed to do so.
If a return is agreed with the Prickly Panda team, the customer is responsible for the return cost of an item. If the item is not returned in its original condition the customer will be responsible for any loss in value. Please ensure that the returned items are insured for the full amount, as if the item does not arrive back safely with us in it's original condition, you will be responsible for claiming from your chosen delivery or courier company.
Orders cannot be cancelled or changed once the item(s) have been despatched.
Refunds will be processed once the items/order have been returned safely to us (less any original postage costs).
Damaged Goods
If upon receipt of your order, the parcel looks damaged in anyway or the product(s) inside are damaged, please take photos, as we may need these to make a claim against the courier. Please make sure to notify us of any damages within 48 hours of delivery. If you notify us after this period, we may not be able to make a claim and the next steps will be at our discretion.
Incorrect Items/Products
If anything is incorrect with your order or you have received an incorrect order or products in your parcel, please contact us within 48 hours of accepting the delivery, so we can quickly look to rectify the issue.
Non Delivery
If you have not received you order within 7 working days of placing your order and you have not been notified directly of any delays or agreed a timeframe with us. Please contact us so we can investigate further.
Customer Details
In order to fulfil your order and make sure it gets to the correct recipient, please ensure clear and accurate, delivery and billing information is included when finalising and checking out your order. If we have fraud concerns, where a different name on the method used to pay is different to the billing information, we have the right to decline your order and pass this information on to the relevant authorities for fraud investigation.
Materials / Product Finishes
Please note that we use natural wood and slate materials, so these can vary slightly from product to product:
Our wooden products there may be marks and knots that occur naturally, slight variations in shade colour, these are not defects but ensure that every piece is unique.
Our slate products are made from Natural Slate. So, the corners and edges are rough and not linear or completely square. These are not defects and everything is carefully packaged so that you receive you order exactly as we have sent it. There may be small darker patches on the laser engraving where it must navigate the unsmooth surface of the slate. It all adds to the uniqueness of each product.
Website Pricing Errors
There may be the odd occasion where website errors cause a product to be mis-priced, and/or discount incorrect applied. If we spot any issues when processing your order, we will contact you directly prior to despatch to notify you of any issues or errors made. This could result in cancellation of your order and a full refund being issued, but we will always try to contact you first to resolve.
Prickly Panda does not offer credit terms for consumers or website purchases. For Trade or Wholesale customers, our payment terms with be agreed upfront prior to processing any orders.
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